Kate Nash-MariellaI'm heavy handed, to say the least.
My mother thinks I'll be an awful clutcher 'cus I spill things from stiring them too quickly.
I'm far too loud.
Its like, as soon as I've got an opinion, it just has to come out.
I laugh at stupid things just 'cause they tickle me.
And sometimes, sometimes, I wish I was like Mariella,
she got some pritt stick and glued her lips together.
So she never had to speak, never had to speak, never had to speak.
People used to say shes as quiet as a mouse, she just doesn't make a peep.
She marched to her wardrobe and threw away the colour, because wearing black looks mysterious, but it didn't impress her mother.
She wanted to dress her baby in patterns and flowers, but Mariella just crossed her arms and so she cried for hours.
My pretty, baby girl
Unglue your lips from being together and wear some pink and pearls.
You can have your friends 'round and they can stay for tea.
Won't you just try to fit in please, do this for me.
But Mariella just crossed her arms and walked up the stairs and she went into her bedroom, and she sat on her bed.
And she looked in the mirror and she thought to herself If I wanna play, I can play with me, If I wanna think, I'll think in my head.
At school, Mariella didn't have many friends, yeah, the girls there, they looked at her and thought she was quite strange.
Boys aren't really into girls at that age.
And the teachers, they thought Mariella was just going through a phase.
But Mariella just smiled as she skipped down the road because she knew all the secrets in her world.
yeah, she always got the crossword puzzle right every day and she could do the alphabet backwards, without making any mistakes.
Pretty, pretty girl.
Happy in her own little world
Happy in her own little world
And she says I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever gunna unglue my lips from being together
She said I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever evereverevereverevereverevereverever gunna unglue my lips from being together
Queen-innuendoWhile the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
Till the mountains crumble into the plain
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
Tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin' yeah
Just passing our time
While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the eons, and on and on
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
We'll tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin'
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
Through the sorrow all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo
You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo, be free be free
Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself
Oooh, ooh -
If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die
If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
Oh yes we'll keep on trying
Hey tread that fine line
Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah
And whatever will be - will be
We'll just keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
marchelo-jedanZivim u senci senke, tvoje senke
i znam da znas
jos uvek sminkam stvarnost tvojom bojom
jer drukcije ne umem, ne razumem
Ne zelim pred laznim svetom celim
da se lazno veselim
to nije osmeh, to je grc
ljudi su slepi
Lepi dani, nasmejani
za tebe, za mene skice
druge duge ulice, srce skitnice
zgazeno nehotice znam da znas
Jer u svim snovima ti vrtim
sve te prazne reci praznim danima
nestajes i prica odavno nije fer
lepotica i zver, suvise razno sve je prazno
Prazno je zarazno, neprolazno
vracam se njima, zar mislis
da se stvarno ponosim time
u mojoj glavi posle svega
Sve one nemaju cak ni ime
samo te oci posecene vetrom
koje sjaje bas kao i moje
znam da znas
Al' ne vidis i ne cujes
i ne znas koje
male stvari se broje
i dok porazi se roje
Plasim se da priznam
da postojis, rane gnoje
i da mi falis
fale mi dodiri, fale mi reci
Fali mi osmeh, fali mi lice
fale mi lazi, fale sitnice, dosta krivice
ptice selice nestaju ja ostajem
i svi ti pogledi me plase
Prokleti srecni zagrljeni ljudi
sve te uloge su bile nase
samo moje i tvoje a gde smo sad
gledaj u mene, nema mene
Samo sene uspomene, samo tragovi
koliko dobijes, toliko das, ti nisi smela
znam da znas, znam da znas, znam da znas
Jedan zivot, gde prestajem ja
gde pocinjes ti
jedna ljubav, gde stali smo mi
gde sad su drugi
I reci sta je to ponos, sta je to sram
ne zelim da znam
i kad se svet srusi
na starom mestu bicu sam
Sve suze sveta sprala je kisa
na kraju nisi ni siguran
da si uopste plakao
niti da si dno dotakao
A nagao kakav jesam
slagao sam sebe da si laz
i vratio se svojim starim stazama
ali ni svi peroni sveta
Nimalo me nisu promenili
i dalje isti blejer iz bloka
uvek mastarskog oka
nikad izvan svog toka
Mikrofon i dalje rokam
na putu do doka luke srece
i dan je taj sto me vara
plavetnilo neba misli skrece
A onda padne noc, prokleto dugi sati
sakatim srcem shvatim
sitnice, ponos, inati nece mi dati
da pratim trag, a znam
Sve je nista, slomicu kazaljke
vreme ce stati, kosmos ce cekati
da samo umem da te vratim
trazim te, sanjam te pijanim ocima
U nocima, u tudjim licima
u stanovnicima nekih drugih svetova
gde je nas
micem usnama bez glasa
Dok pada zaborava plast
cutim jer znam da znas
uvek si znala i uvek znas
ti, jedina moja koja odavno nisi jedina
Svaka sekunda kao godina
al' barem znam na cemu sam
i barem znam da nema nas
i spreman sam da budem nasmejan
Pred svima iako te kad sam solo
i dalje oblikujem od oblaka dima
i kroz paucinu vracam dane
kad smo ti i ja jos bili tim
Oprosti sto nemam snage da te slazem
da ti zelim srecu sa njim
a i sta ce ti to od mene
sve uspomene sa kaputa stresi
Samo budi to sto jesi, tu gde si
sta god da se desi ti budi ok
i nikad ne saznaj kako to boli
kad nekoga volis, a mrzis
Kad mrzis, a volis i lomis se da izdrzis
ostaje nada da ce nekad negde neko
hteti da shvati mene
moja lutanja, mastanja i sanjanja
I znati da ih prati i ko zna
mozda jednom nadjes me
tamo gde prestajem ja
gde pocinjes ti, gde stali smo mi
Gde sada su drugi
ali sresces samo stranca
slucajnog prolaznika i pogled leden
iako te je taj neznanac
nekada voleo vise od sebe
Juanes-volverte a verDaria lo que fuera por volverte a ver
Daria hasta mi vida y mi fusil, mis botas y mi fe
Por eso en la trinchera de mi soledad
Tus ojos son mi luz y tu esplendor mi corazon
Y si no fuera por ti yo no podria vivir
En el vacio de estos dias de no saber
Y si no fuera por ti yo no seria feliz
Como lo soy cuando con tus besos me veo partir
Y es que solo con saber que al regresar tu esperaras por mi
Aumentan los latidos de mi corazon
Volverte a ver es todo lo que quiero hacer
Volverte a ver para poderme reponer
Porque sin ti mi vida yo no soy feliz
Porque sin ti mi vida no tiene raiz
Ni una razon para vivir
Lo unico que quiero es poder regresar
Poder todas las balas esquivar y sobrevivir
Tu amor es mi esperanza y tu mi municion
Por eso regresar a ti es mi unica mision
Y si no fuera por ti yo no podria vivir
En el vacio de estos dias de no saber
Y si no fuera por ti yo no seria feliz
Como lo soy cuando con tus besos me veo partir
Y es que solo con saber que al regresar tu esperaras por mi
Aumentan los latidos de mi corazon
Volverte a ver es todo lo que quiero hacer
Volverte a ver para poderme reponer
Porque sin ti mi vida yo no soy feliz
Porque sin ti mi vida no tiene raiz
Ni una razon para vivir
Eres todo lo que tengo
Y no me quiero morir
Sin poder otra vez
Volverte a veeeeeeeeeer
Porque sin ti mi vida yo no soy feliz
Porque sin ti mi vida no tiene raiz
Volverte a ver es todo lo que quiero hacer
Volverte a ver para poderme reponer
Porque sin ti mi vida yo no soy feliz
Porque sin ti mi vida no tiene raiz
Ni una razon para vivir
Juanes-me enamoraCada blanco de mi mente
Se vuelve color con verte
Y el deseo de tenerte
Es más fuerte, es más fuerte
Sólo quiero que me lleves
De tu mano por la senda
Y atravesar el bosque
Que divide nuestras vidas
Hay tantas cosas que me gustan hoy de ti…
Me enamora que me hables con tu boca
Me enamora que me eleves hasta el cielo
Me enamora que de mi sea tu alma soñadora
Esperanza de mis ojos
Sin ti mi vida no tiene sentido
Sin ti mi vida es como un remolino
De cenizas que se van oh oh oh oh
Volando con el viento…
Yo no sé si te merezco
Sólo sé que aún deseo
Que le des luz a mi vida
[ Me Enamora lyrics found on
http://www.completealbumlyrics.com ]
En los días venideros
Léeme muy bien los labios
Te lo digo bien despacio
Por el resto de mis días
Quiero ser tu compañía
Hay tantas cosas que me gustan hoy de ti…
Me enamora que me hables con tu boca
Me enamora que me eleves hasta el cielo
Me enamora que de mi sea tu alma soñadora
Esperanza de mis ojos
Sin ti mi vida no tiene sentido
Sin ti mi vida es como un remolino
De cenizas que se van oh
Me enamora que me hables con tu boca
Me enamora que me eleves hasta el cielo
Me enamora que de mi sea tu alma soñadora
Esperanza de mis ojos
Sin ti mi vida no tiene sentido
Sin ti mi vida es como un remolino
De cenizas que se van oh oh oh oh
Volando con el viento…
innuendo, me enamora i volverte a ver me jako jako potsecaju na rafu !
pesma volverte a ver me najvishe potseca na njega,swaka retch SWAKA!