| twilight | |
+4*Certified Nadal addict* @n@ *Joansie* ***Inče*** 8 posters |
Autor | Poruka |
***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: twilight Čet Dec 18, 2008 6:13 pm | |
| pa jeste li gledali film?? meni je film extra. . . a glawni glumac robert pattison je presladak. . . | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pet Dec 19, 2008 12:38 pm | |
| Ja nisam gledala film, ali definitivno nameravam! Roberta Pattisona ja obožavam još od 2005. godine, kada je glumio Sedrika u četvrtom delu "Harija Potera"! Osećam da je "Twilight" fenomenalan film, jer su svi koji su gledali oduševljeni... Je li to počelo da se daje u bioskopima? Ja mislim da nije... | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pet Dec 19, 2008 4:16 pm | |
| ja sam chula da ce u januaru da bude premijera. . . ja sam sa neta skinula. . . robert pattison je u owom filmu mnoooooogoooooo sladak. . . izgleda kao prewi wampir. . . | |
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@n@ Igras na celendzerima!
Broj poruka : 140 Godina : 29 Location : Ewo me !!!!! Zasto volis tenis? : Sport je strawa !!! A i zbog tennisera i tenniserki... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 27.02.2008
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Ned Jan 04, 2009 7:49 pm | |
| Ja sam danas od brata od tetke za NG dobila "Twilight" na engleskom i jedva čekam da pročitam! Upravo sam počela sa čitanjem! | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Ned Jan 04, 2009 8:37 pm | |
| ne znam kakwa je knjiga. . . ali film je super. . . :0) | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pon Jan 05, 2009 9:02 pm | |
| Knjiga je fantastična!!! Ja sam već pročitala 230 strana!!! Neka mi neko kaže da sam luda, slobodno, jesam. Potpuno sam zaluđena knjigom! Ono što mene fascinira nije ta magija, vampiri i ta čuda (mada mi je to svakako zanimljivo), već odnos između Belle i Edwarda! Stvarno je... vrlo emotivan, zanimljiv, interesantan za čitanje... Tamo gde sam ja stigla još se nisu smuvali. | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pon Jan 05, 2009 10:41 pm | |
| i u filmu je bash tako. . . | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Uto Jan 06, 2009 9:50 pm | |
| Sad su stigli neko troje zlih, Victoria, James i tamo još neki lik kome nisam zapamtila ime. Nemojte mi reći šta će oni da rade Belli. Verovatno žele da joj se napiju krvi. Sad su Edward i Bella postali par... I mnogo mi se dopada njihov odnos... Vrlo je dirljivo kako on mora da se opire... Stvarno fantastično. Svaka čast Stephenie Meyer kako je napisala knjigu i sve to osmislila. | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Sre Jan 07, 2009 2:00 pm | |
| pa ti si skoro pa do kraja doshla. . . | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Sre Jan 07, 2009 5:22 pm | |
| Završila sam!!! Pročitala sam knjigu! Oduševljena sam! Jedva čekam da pročitam i "New Moon", a čim se vratim u BG na netu ću da gledam film! | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Sre Jan 07, 2009 5:26 pm | |
| pa kad prochitash jawi kakwa je knjiga. . . | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Sre Jan 07, 2009 10:08 pm | |
| Ima u knjizi "Twilight" mali dodatak - jedan odlomak "New Moon". Knjiga počinje Bellinim 18. rođendanom, i ona se brine što će sad biti "starija" od Edwarda (pošto on stalno ima 17 godina). Ona odlazi kod Cullenovih da proslave njen rođendan. Tokom otvaranja poklona, ona se poseče na papir i krene joj krv. U tom trenutku, Jasper poludi... On ne može da se kontroliše. Edward gura Bellu što dalje od Jaspera, ali ona usput razbije neke kristalne čaše i skroz poseče šake. Edward, Emmett i ostali moraju da drže Jaspera da ne bi jurnuo na Bellu. Zadnja rečenica u tom odlomku je kako Bella misli o tome kako je sama u sobi sa šest vampira, a ona krvari. | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Čet Jan 08, 2009 11:36 am | |
| zwuchi mnooogooo zanimljiwo. . . :0) imaju osim owe dwe josh dwe knjige. . . 'eclipse' i 'breaking down'. . . ewo nashla sam u wikipediji o chemu se radi knjiga. . . ali je na engleskom. . . nadam se da ti nesmeta shto sam stawila. . . Protagonist Isabella "Bella" Swan is thrown an eighteenth birthday party by Alice and Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and the rest of their vampire family. While unwrapping a gift, she receives a paper cut. Edward's brother Jasper, although attempting a non-human diet, is overwhelmed by the scent of blood and tries to attack Bella. In an attempt to keep her safe from the world of vampires, Edward tells Bella that he and the rest of his family are leaving the town of Forks, Washington because he doesn't want her anymore. Bella becomes severely depressed and seeks comfort with Jacob Black, an old family friend who eases her pain over losing Edward.
Bella and Jacob begin spending a lot of time together, and Bella soon discovers that the rush of adrenaline present when she places herself in dangerous situations stimulates hallucinations of Edward's voice. Bella begins seeking out dangerous behavior, such as riding a motorcycle, to trigger the illusions. Meanwhile, Bella finds out that Jacob is a werewolf. The werewolves begin to protect Bella from the pursuit of the vampire Victoria, who seeks revenge for the death of her mate, James, who was killed by the Cullens in Twilight. After Bella attempts cliff-diving near La Push, she gets caught in a riptide and is rescued by Jacob.
At the same time, Alice Cullen, Edward's vampire sister who has visions of the future, has a vision of Bella jumping off the cliff. Presuming Bella is dead, Alice rushes to Forks to check on Charlie Swan, Bella's father, while Edward calls Bella's home. Jacob answers and informs Edward that Charlie is at a funeral, referring to that of a man in town who had died of a heart attack, but Edward draws the conclusion that he means Bella's funeral. Desperate after Bella's supposed death, Edward flies to Italy to see the Volturi, peace-keeping vampires who would be able to kill Edward, granting him leave of a world without Bella.
Bella and Alice rush to Italy to stop Edward, and save him before it is too late. Before they leave Italy, the Volturi tell them that Bella, a human who knows of the existence of vampires, must either be killed or changed into a vampire herself. After they return to Forks, Edward explains to Bella that he only left in order to protect her, and she forgives him. The book ends with the Cullens voting in favor of Bella being changed into a vampire after her graduation, much to Edward's dismay. | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Čet Jan 08, 2009 4:29 pm | |
| Nema problema što je na engleskom, sve sam shvatila. Auuu, zvuči baš zanimljivo! Jedva čekam da kupim i ostale knjige! A u četvrtoj knjizi "Breaking Down" Edward i Bella će dobiti dete. | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Sub Jan 10, 2009 10:47 pm | |
| jao. . . bash slatko. . . a u kom ce delu bella postati wampir?? | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Sub Jan 10, 2009 11:13 pm | |
| U četvrtom. A prethodno će se Edward i ona venčati i dobiti dete. | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Sub Jan 10, 2009 11:17 pm | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Ned Jan 11, 2009 3:20 pm | |
| joasine je si li gledala film?? ewo sadrzhaja 'eclipse' i 'breaking dawn'. . .
The story begins with the revelation that Seattle is being plagued by a string of unsolved murders, which Edward suspects are being caused by a newborn vampire that is unable to control its thirst. Edward and Bella fill out college applications, while Bella explains to Edward her desire to see Jacob, her werewolf friend, again. Meanwhile, Alice Cullen has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella, is back in town. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that Jacob and the rest of the werewolf pack would never harm her, and he eventually allows her to visit Jacob once in a while.
A few days later, Bella expresses her desire to make love to Edward before being turned into a vampire. Edward initially refuses, explaining to Bella that he could very easily kill her. Eventually, upon realizing how much it means to Bella, he agrees to try in the future as long as they are married first. Despite having an aversion to marriage, Bella realizes that spending eternity with Edward is more important to her than anything else and accepts his proposal.
Bella and the Cullens realize that the murders in Seattle are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires, controlled by either Victoria or the coven of vampires known as the Volturi. The Cullen family joins forces with the werewolf pack in order to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward and Bella camp up in the mountains, hidden during the battle, where they are later joined by Jacob and Seth Clearwater, a young member of the werewolf pack, to wait out the fight.
In the morning, Jacob overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and becomes very upset. He threatens to join the fight and get himself killed because Bella doesn't love him. To stop him, Bella kisses Jacob and realizes that she loves him, too. Victoria tracks Edward's scent to Bella and Edward is forced to fight, despite Bella's wishes to keep him safely with her. After Victoria and her army are successfully destroyed, Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater and she cannot live without him. After receiving a wedding invitation from a humble Edward, Jacob runs away in his wolf form to escape the pain he feels, angry at Bella's decision to become a vampire.
breaking dawn
Breaking Dawn is split into three separate "books", or parts. The first part details Bella's marriage and honeymoon with Edward, which they spend on a private island off the coast of Brazil. Edward grants Bella's wish and makes love to her, but in the process injures her, only bruises but enough for him to feel guilt. Bella insists that she doesnt care and is not in pain, and so Edward relents. Soon after, Bella sees a box of unused tampons and realizes that she is pregnant. After contacting Carlisle, who confirms her belief, she and Edward plan to return home. Edward urges her to get an abortion. However, Bella wants to keep the child and decides to contact Rosalie for support, knowing that Rosalie has always wanted children.
The second part of the novel is written from Jacob Black's point of view, and lasts throughout Bella's pregnancy and childbirth. The pack of werewolves, not knowing what danger the unborn child may pose, make plans to destroy it, even though they must kill Bella to do so. Jacob vehemently disagrees with this decision and revolts, leaving the pack to form his own with Seth and Leah Clearwater. Bella soon gives birth, approximately a month after becoming pregnant. The baby breaks many of her bones, and Bella loses massive amounts of blood. In order to save her life, Edward changes her into a vampire. Jacob, who was present for the birth, immediately "imprints" — an involuntary response in which a werewolf finds his soul mate — on Edward and Bella's newborn daughter, Renesmee.
The third section of Breaking Dawn shifts back to Bella's perspective, finding her changed into a vampire and enjoying her new life and abilities. However, the vampire Irina misidentifies Renesmee as an "immortal child", a child who has been turned into a vampire. The creation and protection of "immortal children" was previously outlawed by the Volturi. After Irina presents her allegation to the Volturi, they plan to destroy Renesmee and the Cullens. In an attempt to save her, the Cullens gather vampires from around the world to stand as witnesses and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Upon confronting the gathered Cullen allies and witnesses, the Volturi discover that they have been misinformed and immediately execute Irina for her mistake. However, they still want to add Edward's and bella's powers to their collection and so plan do act as if they remain undecided on whether Renesmee should be viewed as a threat to the secret existence of vampires. At that time, Alice and Jasper, who had left prior to the confrontation, return with Nahuel, a 150-year-old vampire-human crossbreed like Renesmee. He demonstrates that the crossbreeds pose no threat and the Volturi leave, knowing that they no longer have just reason to destroy Renesmee, but secretly vowing that they will return. Bella, Edward and Renesmee return to their home, free to live their lives in peace, for a while. | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Ned Jan 11, 2009 7:53 pm | |
| Nisam gledala... Odlučila da vodim drugarice za rođendan u bioskop da gledamo Twilight, jer bi trebalo da dođe u beogradske bioskope negde oko mog rođendana. Tako da ću još da čekam, ali ću pogledati trejlere. | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Ned Jan 11, 2009 11:58 pm | |
| OK. . . pa kad pogledash napishi shta mislish o filmu. . . | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pon Jan 12, 2009 12:03 am | |
| Trejler me je potpuno oduševio! Gotovo sve je kao što sam ja zamislila dok sam čitala! Škola je malčice drugačija samo, ali i to je gotovo isto! | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pon Jan 12, 2009 12:10 am | |
| ne znam kakwa je knjiga. . . ali film je super. . . usput super ti je potpis i awatar. . . :0) | |
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*Joansie* The Torres Girl
Broj poruka : 5301 Godina : 30 Location : Negde iznad planeta... Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je to super sport, interesantan i zanimljiv, a ima i toliko lepih tenisera da se vidi... Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.02.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pon Jan 12, 2009 12:23 am | |
| Hvala, hvala... Od kada sam pogledala trejler, samo su mi scene iz trejlera i Robert Pattison u glavi... | |
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***Inče*** Zivis u kuci sa Rafom!
Broj poruka : 6152 Godina : 34 Location : New York City...:) Zasto volis tenis? : Za mene je tenis jedan od najlepših,a možda čak i najlepši sport.....A volim ga zato što ima mnogo slatkih tenisera.....:)I zbog Andy-ja Murray-ja i Ernestsa Gulbisa.....:) Koliko volis tennis? : Datum upisa : 04.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: twilight Pon Jan 12, 2009 12:29 am | |
| nema na chemu. . . xexexe. . . ti si bash luda za njim. . . :0) | |
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